• English
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  • Español
  • Deutsch
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  • TiếngViệt
  • 中文
  • Italiano
  • Português
  • Русский
  • Nederlands
  • BahasaIndonesia
  • Türkçe
  • ไทย Free/Paid Plan


Default Webfolder

  • Automatic web folder deletion (when there are no visitors for more than a month)
  • Unlimited file uploads (size/number)
  • Download Limit (Without Password)
  • Free download time limit (expired)
  • The lifespan of the file is 90 hours (then automatically deleted)
  • expired files can be downloaded when purchasing a Download Pass.
Details about expiration, auto-delete, and download pass

All files uploaded to the free default Webfolder are created and deleted through the process below.


This is when the file was uploaded.

expired - Free Download Discontinued

Downloads are restricted for free users. The expiration time varies depending on the file size. A Download Pass is required to download.
~ 10GB : in 48h
10Gb ~ 20Gb : in 12h
20Gb ~ : in 6h

~ 5GB : $1.00 ₩1,000
5GB ~ : $1.00 ₩1,000 + $0.50₩500/1GB

5.1GB ➜ $1.00 ₩1,000 + $0.50₩500
6.8GB ➜ $1.00 ₩1,000 + ( $0.50₩500)×2

Automatic deletion (90 hours after creation)

All file information will be deleted. No one can download it.


Web Folder+

  • Permanent without automatic deletion
  • Unlimited file uploads (size/number)
  • Unlimited file downloads (size/times)
  • Ability to select the lifespan of files in a folder (+7Days,+15Days,+30Days)
  • Upload available for one month after purchase (extension possible).
Web Folder+7Days ($15.00) (₩20,000) Web Folder+15Days ($80.00) (₩100,000) Web Folder+30Days ($400.00) (₩500,000) 30+Days : Contact us