This is a method of running the browser on a specified storage device. Based on Chrome browser for Windows (version 10 or higher). If you don't have Chrome installed, install it first.
Run the Chrome browser. And Keep the window open until the last step.
Open the storage device where you want to download the file using Explorer. (Errors may occur during download with slow USB memory.)
Create two new folders. The folder names are ‘newprofile’ and ‘newdownload’. (You can choose any name you want.)
Right-click the first folder ('newprofile') and launch the terminal. (For Windows 10, press the shift key simultaneously and select [Open Powershell])
Copy the code below and paste (ctrl+v) into the terminal.
Get-Process chrome |
Select-Object Path -First 1 |
ForEach-Object {
Start-Process -FilePath $_.Path -ArgumentList ("--user-data-dir="+ $(Get-Location).Path)
$shell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
$shortcut = $shell.CreateShortcut("..\StartChrome.lnk")
$shortcut.Arguments=" --user-data-dir="+ '"'+$(Get-Location).Path+'"'
$shortcut.TargetPath = $_.Path
Enter the download Setting menu address in the address bar. Please copy and paste the address below.
Click the Change button and select the second folder (newdownload) that was initially created.
Now, everything is ready. Visit the Webfolder to download with a newly opened Chrome browser. You can download without using the default storage device (C:)
If you need to save files to a newly specified download folder ('newdownload') in the future, you can use the Chrome browser with the automatically created shortcut icon, eliminating the need to repeat the previous steps.