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Twitter one-click file attachment - Attach unlimited file sizes to Twitter

Introducing a Chrome browser extension that allows you to easily attach files to Twitter.

As you'll see, it has advantages you won't find in any other app.

  • The usage is very simple. Just right-click in the area where you want to insert the web folder link, and a web folder is created. Then just add your files to it.
  • No need to wait for file uploads to complete. Typically, you can only share a link after the upload is finished, but with FileKiwi, the recipient can start downloading even while the upload is in progress. No matter how large the file is, the waiting time is zero, allowing you to send files as quickly as sending a link.
  • It's not limited to Twitter - you can use it anywhere you can input text. Use it in Gmail, company webmail, various forums, and more.

This extension works with all Chrome-based browsers (including MS Edge, etc.)

How to use

Click the download link below to go to the Chrome Web Store.

Open Web Store

Click the Add button.

After one more confirmation, the Chrome extension will be added.

Now you're ready to use it.

You can now attach files directly in any text input field (blogs, emails, social media - anywhere). Try it right now in the comment section below.

Just place your mouse pointer in the comment area and right-click.

If you see the [Attach Web Folder] menu as shown above, everything is working correctly.

When you click this menu, the FileKiwi window will appear. A web folder will be created and the link will be added.