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Playing your mp4 videos on Tesla's screen

How to play videos on Tesla screen using

What you'll need

  • A device with your video file (currently only mp4 is supported) - laptop, phone, or any device with internet connection

  • Tesla vehicle (with the latest updates installed)

  • Internet connection (3G works, but LTE or WiFi would be better)

Now park in a safe location and make sure both your device and car are connected to the internet.

Step-by-step instructions

1. Open a web browser on the device with your video and create a web folder.

The shortened URL only exists for a short time before disappearing, so please proceed to the next step immediately.

4. Launch the Tesla browser and enter the shortened URL.

You should see the file added to the web folder list. The video is now ready to play, but it's not in full-screen mode yet.

5. Press the [Full Screen] button in the upper right corner.

This full-screen button only appears on Tesla browsers. When you press it, the screen will switch to full-screen mode and you'll suddenly see a YouTube page.

Do you see a YouTube page like the one below?

This might be the strangest step... it's a workaround people have found since Tesla doesn't officially provide a fullscreen option. The trick is to open the YouTube app, which supports fullscreen, and then navigate to another page.

6. Click on [Go to site] on the YouTube screen.

Now click on [Go to site]. This will take you back to the original web folder, while maintaining the fullscreen mode.

Is the web folder displayed in fullscreen?

When you touch the video file title in the list, the playback screen will appear... and finally, you'll see the play button.

7. Press the play button and the fullscreen button.

Do you see the play button as shown above? Did playback start when you pressed the play button?

If you don't see the play button, the video might not be compatible for playback. Some mp4 files occasionally cannot be played in browsers.

The video plays in fullscreen.

Tip 1 - Bookmark the same web folder on your Tesla, add it to your phone's home screen, and bookmark it on your laptop. This way, you can simply upload without having to reconnect every time.